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Talking too much on stage. |
Wow. Just wow. What can I say, a week after and the dust is finally settling (and almost all the bills paid)?
And where do we go from here?
And what do we do next year?
I've been thinking about all that. Here's what I've managed to keep straight in my head:
HUGE huge thanx to all of you who supported the idea of the Lexi Music Awards before there was a show...before there was a bit of press....before there was even a facebook group to help spread the word.
Thanx to all who jumped in 100% once we started to get the word out. Once we started the FB group. Once I said, "I need help".
Miles Osland opening the show with a bang! |
Thanx to the press who jumped to our aid, loving the idea and willing to "go to press", go the the airwaves, utilize precious/expensive column inches and air time to allow us to share our idea.
Thanx to everyone who got involved in the discussions (some pretty heated) both in public and behind the scenes to help us carve this idea into reality. To those who had time or made time to make a call, or send an email, or hook us up with a deal to keep expenses manageable. To those who gave their energy, their time, their money to help make this bird fly.
To each and every one of you who braved the weather to make the show (and to those who tried but were trapped behind the snow and ice).
To Heather Parrish for everything; to Donald Mason for all the ideas and helping secure the Lyric; to Peter J. Felice for the amazing original music to start and end the program.
To that handful of people who came to our face-to-face meeting, and to Miles Osland, Blakeley Burger, Lucy Becker, Fred Kearns, Tripp Bratton and his amazing ensemble, Ben Lacy & Alan McKenzie, Palmer Tolly and Heather, who all agreed to perform before we even secured the venue.