much as I'd like to produce a full-fledged event again this year (30+ categories, 6 live acts, house band, full house, and much more), forcing the issue would be an irresponsible dis-service to musicians, music lovers, our sponsors, Lyric Theatre staff, and many others.
After much careful consideration (and no small degree of internal conflict), I have opted to cut the 2021 Lexi Music Awards to just a handful of categories and either a virtual or very small live event designed solely to present the awards.
My apologies to ALL of you. You deserve much better than I am able to manage in the current environment.
I am, I should note, waiting until the last possible moment to decide if we will hand the awards off in person or virtually or by some other means (such as traditional TV and/or radio broadcast). That decision will be dictated by everything from January-current COVID status & state/local mandates to cold, hard fiscal realities....but I will do the best my meager skills will allow.
The public ballot will only be available for a short time (details coming SOON - so keep your eyes peeled) and we will lean necessarily on a larger pro panel this year.
My heartfelt thanx to everyone for your continued support!